Name of the event: Faculty development program on AUTODESK-FUSION 360.
Date: 12/06/2023 to 13/06/2023.
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Industrial visit to Diesel Loco shed, Moulali
Date: 02-12-2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Industrial visit to Diesel Loco shed, Moulali
Date: 30-11-2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Industrial visit to Diesel Loco shed, Moulali
Date: 29-11-2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Industrial visit to Electric Loco shed, Lalaguda
Date: 25-11-2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Industrial visit to Electric Loco shed, Lalaguda
Date: 24-11-2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: Online International Conference on “Robotics and Intelligent
Manufacturing” (ICRIM-2021)
Date: 16-7-2021 to 17-7-2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: 6 Days AICTE-ISTE sponsored First Induction Program on “IOT in
Date: 15/04/2021 to 22/04/2021
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: International Conference On Recent Advances And Innovations In Technology, Management &Applied Sciences -2021
Date: 19-03-2021 to 20-03-2021
Brief description about the event:
Name of the event: 3 Days International online workshop supported by Indian Welding Society “Recent advances in Joining Process”
Date: 29/07/2020 to 31/07/20220
Brief description about the event:
Department of Mechanical Engineering have Organized 3 days Online International workshop in collaboration with Indian Welding Society on Recent advances in joining process. The event was started on 29th July 2020 and Concluded on 31stJuly 2020. The event was well received by faculty and students across India.Some of the registrations coming from Research Organizations and Industry which are involved in welding as core research area.We are happy to inform that 330 registered the event and 220 participants attended the event.The following are the details of the event.
The event was Started at 4PMInaugurated by Principal Sir and HOD Sir addressed the event regarding the importance of joining process in mechanical engineering and explained about recent development in joining process and importance of automation in welding. The event was stared with SMEC-IWS Student forum inaugurated by Sri K Thaygarajan Sir, Chairman, IWS-Hyderabad chapter, Then Dr A Rajasekar, Secretary, IWS Hyderabad chapter explained about benefits of IWS Student forum and participation of five number of students in international evets with the membership. This is the second forum in Telangana region of IWS student forum for the coming future and IWS will support national and international workshops. Then the workshop was inaugurated by Sri N Rajasekeran sir, Secretary, IWS India and the first session was continued by him and has covered the following technical aspects.
1. Introduction to Joining process
2. Importance of GMAW, TIG, MIG, Submerged arc welding, Orbital welding
3. Salient Features of welding of Boilers shell and tubes by BHEL, Trichy
4. Automation of the welding process by using Robots.
5. Emerging Technologies Cold transfer welding, Friction Stir welding, Laser Welding has explained
Then the questions and answers session interaction with the participants and concluded the first day session at 7.00 pm
Name of the event: Online International Conference on "Recent Advances in Mechanical, Civil & Electrical Engineering (ICRAMCE-2020)"
Date: 19-06-2020 & 20-06-2020
Brief description about the event:
Date: 17-02-2020
Brief description about the event:
Department of Mechanical Engineering has organized a guest lecture on the topic “WORK ETHICS FOR NEW ENGINEERS” on 17th February 2020, by Mr. Dave Edwards, Founder and CEO of BOLD Enterprises, LLC, Colorado, United State of America.
He delivered an inspiring lecture on work ethics to follow for making a better career in engineering. This lecture was organized on the vision of inculcating ethics in work place and mainly focused on Learning, development, and Industrial relation and many more which helps the students to groom for a better career. Being an informative speaker he then shared the skills required for a leader to excel in the job. Those are Honesty, Integrity, and Communication & Behavior. He also enlightened his field experiences and shared innovative ideas which motivated all the students to strive for their future career.The lecture was even more interesting with the examples he gave relating to each topic. It was wonderful Knowledge sharing and gaining lecture.
Date: 04-04-2019
Brief description about the event:
The Department has conducted a National Level Project Expo & Competition 2019 entitled “TECHNOVATION 2019” on 04th April 2019 on behalf of St Martin’s Engineering College. Many Engineering colleges across Hyderabad have presented their innovative projects.
Name of the event: INDUSTRIAL VISIT
Date: 25-03-2019, 26-03-2019 & 27-03-2019
Brief description about the event:
Department of Mechanical Engineering organized an Industrial Visit to the “Diesel Loco Shed”, Moula ali, Hyderabad on 25th, 26th & 27th March 2019. The visit was organized for the 2nd & 3rd year / 2nd semester students along with faculty members. Students gained the knowledge of Locomotive Diesel Engine unit of Express and Goods train, Locomotive maintenance and repair of Engine components, radiators, Fans, compressor and shop floor maintenance.
Objective of the Program:
To provide knowledge about Locomotive Diesel Engine working, maintenance and repairs to the students and faculty. It is planned as a part for the industry-Institute interaction to enrich theoretical with industrial knowledge. It is useful in the areas of IC Engines for the 2nd and 3rd year students.
Name of the event: Seminar on “Role of CNC Technology in Global Manufacturing Scenario”
Date: 04-10-2018
Brief description about the event:
The Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a seminar on “Role of CNC Technology in Global Manufacturing Scenario” on 04-10-2018, Resource person: Mr. N. Karunakar Reddy, Director of OM VENSAI CIM TECHNOLOGIES (A Manufacturing and CNC Training Institution), located in Hyderabad. He has 33 years of experience in delivering various training programs in India and abroad. Mr. Reddy briefed out the importance of CNC technology in the manufacturing industries with an objective of empowering individuals and enterprises with knowledge of emerging technologies. By this lecture, students of III rd. year and IV year have gained the knowledge of easy learning of codes in the CNC programming language and their importance. We convey our sincere thanks to the Management, Principal, and the HOD of Mechanical Engineering Department, the Seminar Co-coordinators, Administrative staff, Faculty members and students for making this session a grand success.
Name of the event: Seminar on “Industrial Automation”
Date: 27-09-2018
Brief description about the event:
Department of Mechanical Engineering Conducted a Seminar on “Industrial Automation” on 27-09-2018, Resource person: Mr. Prabal Kumar Das, Head of the department of National skill Development Centre (NSDC) and engaged with Prolific systems and investigations Pvt Ltd. Over 26 years of Professional experience in Indian Air Force (IAF), briefed out all the key points on the Hydraulic systems, Pneumatic systems, Aircraft fuel system, Aircraft Air conditioning and pressurization, Aero Engine system, Gears and Bearings. The Automation and usage of the Hydraulic and Pneumatic systems in the industries and Advanced Mechatronic Systems and instrumentation basics was very interesting and informative. By this lecture, students of III rd year, final year and faculty members have gained knowledge on the systems and their organization.
We convey our sincere thanks to the Management, Principal, and the HOD of Mechanical Engineering Department, the Seminar Coordinator(s), Administrative staff, Teaching Staff and Students for making this session a grand success.
Name of the event: PROJECT EXPO
Date: 28-03-2018
Brief description about the event:
The department has conducted a National Level Project Expo & Competition 2018 entitled “ TECHNOVATION 2018” on 28th March 2018 on behalf of
St Martin’s Engineering College. Many colleges and all branches of engineering have presented their innovative projects.
Name of the event: INDUSTRIAL VISIT
Date: 07-03-2018 & 08-03-2018
Brief description about the event:
Department of Mechanical Engg organized an Industrial Visit to the “The HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT.LTD”,
Ammenpur, Hyderabad on 7th &8th March 2018. The visit was organized for the 2nd & 3rd year / 2nd semester students along with
faculty members. Mr.Satyanarayana Raju, Manager explained in detail about the importance of the plant and its functions. The plant
is one among the best in Asia, having stringent quality control measures. This plant is fully automatic and Robotic.
Objective of the Program:
To provide knowledge about fully automated process plant to the students and faculty.It is planned as a part for the
industry- Institute interaction to enrich theoretical with industrial knowledge.It gives a scope to the students to understand the
industrial practices.It is useful in the areas of production and automation technologies for the 2nd and 3rd year students.
Date: 22-09-2017 & 23-09-2017
Brief description about the event:
A national level conference on “ INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING “ was organized on 22nd and 23rd
September 2017. Nearly 200 papers have been received out of which 120 papers have been selected for presentation. There were
three parallel sessions chaired by experts in the relevant field.